The Rising Asia RPN, established in April 2019 for a period of three years, was led by Kees Koedijk, Professor of Financial Management at Tilburg University and CEPR Research Fellow. The RPN created a global policy research platform that allowed CEPR Fellows, Associate Fellows and other international academics to collaborate on the development, transformation and dissemination of theory and policy within the domestic, regional and international context of Asian countries’ (economic and financial) development, reform and transition goals.

Since the turn of the 21st century, the economic ascendance of the East has clearly picked up considerable speed, leaving the relative contribution of the West (i.e. US and Eurozone) to world GDP in slow decline. With the concurrent and rapid increase in the share of Asian countries in this respect, a profound shift in global economic power from West to East is inevitably set to take place. As the balance of power is shifting in their favour along several dimensions – be it (socio)economic, financial or (geo)political – Asian countries will not only want to claim their rightful seat at the table but more so, will also want to exercise an equal voice, vote and stake in the shaping of these global systems.

Will this change in the balance of power be peaceful, inclusive and based on a win-win outcome, or should we brace for a highly disruptive era with a zero-sum outcome instead? Much will depend on the compatibility of the existing economic growth models and financial system architectures currently in place, and in particular, the extent to which these need to be revised or tailored via economic transition and financial reform, in an attempt to accommodate to this new context. The Rising Asia RPN will collaborate on the development, transformation and dissemination of theory and policy within the domestic, regional and international context of Asian countries’ (economic and financial) development, reform and transition goals.


The Rising Asia RPN hosted several events. 


Kees Koedijk

Professor of Finance Utrecht University; Professor of Finance and Head of the Department of Ethics, Governance and Society Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Steering Committee

Bernard Yeung

Dean and Stephen Riady Distinguished Professor in Finance and Strategic Management National University Of Singapore

Kenichi Ueda

Senior Economist in the Research Department International Monetary Fund

Associate Fellows

Bernard Yeung

Dean and Stephen Riady Distinguished Professor in Finance and Strategic Management National University Of Singapore

Kenichi Ueda

Senior Economist in the Research Department International Monetary Fund