Discussion paper

DP18992 Flexible prior beliefs on impulse responses in Bayesian vector autoregressive models

We develop a prior for VAR coefficients that allows for flexible non-dogmatic beliefs on the shape of the structural impulse responses. We achieve this using an alternative setting of the moments of a Normal prior for the autoregressive parameters. Posterior computations are no more demanding than existing prior specifications; yet the methodology offers a tool for Bayesian shrinkage over key outputs of the model. Introducing the prior belief that monetary policy shocks generate temporary but persistent effects leads to a hump-shaped response of GDP, with the peak occurring between twelve and eighteen months after the shock.


Canova, F, A Kociecki and M Piffer (2024), ‘DP18992 Flexible prior beliefs on impulse responses in Bayesian vector autoregressive models‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18992. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp18992