Discussion paper

DP13958 Patterns of innovation during the industrial revolution: a reappraisal using a composite indicator of patent quality

The distinction between macro- and microinventions is at the core of recent debates on the Industrial Revolution. Yet, the empirical testing of this notion has remained elusive. We address this issue by introducing a new quality indicator for all patents granted in England in the period 1700-1850. Our findings indicate that macroinventions did not exhibit any specific time-clustering, while micro-inventions were, instead, correlated with the economic cycle. In addition, we also find were characterized by a labour-saving bias. These results suggest that Allen’s and Mokyr’s view of macro-inventions rather than conflicting should be regarded as complementary.


Nuvolari, A, V Tartari and M Tranchero (2019), ‘DP13958 Patterns of innovation during the industrial revolution: a reappraisal using a composite indicator of patent quality‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 13958. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp13958