Luis Garicano

Senior Non-Resident Fellow at Bruegel, Professor of Public Policy at London School Of Economics And Political Science

Luis Garicano is a CEPR Research Fellow and a Professor of Problu Policy at the London School of EConomics. Between 2019 and 2022 he has been a Member of the European Parliament, where he was Vice-President in charge of economic affairs for the Renew Europe parliamentary group. Before entering elective politics, he was a full Professor in Economics and Strategy at the London School of Economics and at the University of Chicago, from where he received his PhD. His academic work focuses on the future of work and of organizations, on the relationship between technology and inequality, and on economic growth and productivity. At the same time, he has carried out significant research and has made several proposals in the area of European financial integration, European fiscal rules, and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. As a Member of the European Parliament, during the pandemic he led the development and negotiations on NextGenerationEU (the European recovery plan), and on Russian Sanctions.