Discussion paper

DP13301 Municipal Bond Markets

The effective functioning of the municipal bond market is crucial for the provision of public services, as it is the largest capital market for state and municipal issuers. Prior research has documented tax, credit, liquidity, and segmentation effects in municipal bonds. Recent regulatory initiatives to improve transparency have made granular trade data available to researchers, rendering it a natural laboratory to study financial intermediation, asset pricing in decentralized markets, and local public finance. Trade-by-trade studies have found large trading costs, contemporaneous price dispersion and other deviations from the law-of-one- price. More research is required to understand optimal market design and the impact of post-crisis regulation, sustainability, and financial technology.


Schürhoff, N, D Li and B Hollifield (2018), ‘DP13301 Municipal Bond Markets‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 13301. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp13301